Pet Facts

Cheran Facts

A group of Cherai is known as a Nest.

Cherai are the only pets in Mistica that can work effectively together in large groups. If a group of Cherai cannot work together effectively, they will find other groups of Cherai in hopes to trade partners to ensure their groups can function together without problems.

A Nest of Cherai has no leader. All Nest members are considered equal in the group. When it comes to decision making, the Nest will "vote" on what to do. In general the group only acts if the rest of its members agree on a course of action. If members do no agree, oftentimes the group will act without them, or won't act at all.

When stealth is needed and Cherai can't communicate vocally, they use the plates on their back to communicate, combined with movements from their tails.

Cherai are quick thinkers and have some of the quickest response times.

Speed is their greatest weapon, and they can outmaneuver many of their enemies when need be, but when fighting they use that speed to also overwhelm their opponents.

Both the female and male are physically the same in appearance. The only distinct feature between the two genders is the male has tufts of fur at the tip of their tails, while females have the tufts beginning slightly lower along the tail tip.

Males and females both have an active role in raising their young, but the females stay with their young constantly, while males usually tend to their food needs and sometimes carry water.

When females do require a rest when raising their young, males will sometimes take over the female's role while she rests.

Cherai love toys and will sometimes create their own for their young.

If Cherai are not creating toys, another toy that they love to collect is the yo-yo. They love to play with yo-yos and they will have one in their collection that is their utmost favorite. Most of their favorite yo-yos are the ones that are used the most.

Cherai are not aggressive at all and prefer to not fight. They will only fight if it's a last resort.

Cherai bodies are not the toughest. They have protective armor to counter this problem, but in a fight they can actually.

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